I recently came across a moving story about a young man who lost his mother to cancer and the small role that sport played in supporting those left behind through the grieving process.
The story reminded me a bit of the situation with Kellie Ardans during the 2007 season. For those of you who may not know, Kellie was the mother of one of our greatest Eagles, Maison Ardans. Kellie passed away during the 2007 football season from cancer. The outpouring of support from the Eagles family was something that left an indelible impression on all of those who witnessed the tragedy. To the Ardans… if you happen to read this. We still and always will have fond memories of Kellie and you all remain in our heart of hearts.
The story (click here), is yet another great example of how sports can help to teach our young ones some of life’s most important lessons. Enjoy… and I hope you are all doing well. See you next fall.
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