Wow, do I miss the football season! Drew and I are pretty excited about the season the Oregon Ducks have put together, but Dixon going down in the Arizona game really put a damper on our national championship hopes.
Meanwhile, our beloved Eagles (of the Philly variety) continue to figure out a way to snatch defeats out of the hands of victory on a regular basis. Drew and I have surmised that the Birds are just “snake-bit” and D-Mac isn’t anywhere near 100%. He’s starting to show signs that his torn ACL is on the mend, but it will probably be next year before we get to see him play like the old Donovan. Perhaps we’ll even place an order for some Super Bowl Tickets this time next year! OK, so maybe I’m getting a bit ahead of myself… I can dream, right?!
Drew’s been working hard this offseason… playing some football in the neighborhood and keeping in shape riding his bike and such. He’s actually weighing less (65 lbs.) than he did during the football season (71 lbs). Kid can’t keep his pants up without a belt! That’s ok… at this rate he’ll be able to play at the Mighty Might level for another 2 seasons.
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