Ladies and Gentlemen… the table has officially been set. Time for these birds to eat! Coach Gene, who turned 27 this week, dished out the game schedule at practice on Tuesday. The general consensus in the peanut gallery was “Wow, only 6 games?”, but hey… it’s better than 5, right? I’m personally just grateful that the games are all in Queen Creek. And as long as we’re being honest here… I’d rather eat a bowl full of dung beatles whilst pole vaulting off the top of the Empire State Building than go out to the Maricopa Dust Bowl again this year.
So here’s the dealio… all the games are at 8AM. The boys must be on the field and in uniform at 7am… so set your alarms people. Ryan Ingram will greet you with Starbucks in hand each week when you arrive. No really, he’s that good a guy…
9/13/08: Eagles vs Diablos @ QCMS (Halftime Snack: Alexander / After Game Snack: Ball)
9/20/08: Eagles vs Rams @ DMP1 (Halftime Snack: Charles / After Game Snack: Darger)
9/27/08: Eagles vs Bulldogs @ QCMS (Halftime Snack: Deaton / After Game Snack: Feick)
10/4/08: Bye Week
10/11/08: Eagles vs Rattlers @ DMP2 (Halftime Snack: Finch / After Game Snack: Galloway)
10/18/08: Eagles vs Cardinals @ DMP1 (Halftime Snack: Gillispie / After Game Snack: Hatch)
10/25/08: Eagles vs Special Forces @ DMP1 (Halftime Snack: Kittner / After Game Snack: Lemons)
** Snacks consist of quartered oranges or grapes at halftime and juice and a treat after the game.
Oh and Happy Birthday Coach Gene…
2 responses so far ↓
1 bc // Aug 23, 2008 at 6:58 pm
Maricopa just put in a rubberized field which cost hundred’s of thousand’s of dollars.Have fun on your rock hard field.Hopefully,your sprinklers won’t come on in the middle of a game and somebody will know how to turn them off.
2 admin // Aug 25, 2008 at 4:05 pm
Glad to hear you’re field is upgraded, but the field itself wasn’t the issue. In fact our boys ran from one end to the other all day without any issues. The article was referring to the visitors bleacher section.
Although you clearly took offense, no offense was intended… it was just incredibly hot and the dust was like molten powdered sugar. Not that it would have been that much more comfortable in QC those days.
Anyway, this was intended as an inside joke to the people who were there and shared the sentiment. Your teams and following were first class and we wish you nothing but the best.
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